Worship and Music at Mifflin

The center of our life together as a congregation is on Sunday mornings, when we gather to worship God.

10:00 AM - Worship Service

Most people dress casually, and children are welcome in the service (a nursery is provided for children up until kindergarten). We follow a set order of worship, with congregational singing and prayers. Communion is offered once a month - all who trust in Jesus are welcome to participate in this sacrament.

We follow the church year, which means that we have special emphasis on Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter and Pentecost. Special worship services throughout the year include Christmas Eve and Maundy Thursday during Lent.

Traditional Music

Chancel Choir, under the direction of Kate Cremean, rehearses every Wednesday evening and presents an anthem every Sunday but one each month.

Contemporary Music

The Praise Team, lead by Tim Cremean, meets Sunday morning before the worship service to rehearse that week's music.

Other music opportunities include the Bell Choir, Youth Praise Team, and Special Music.